
Baby shower family feud powerpoint
Baby shower family feud powerpoint

baby shower family feud powerpoint

If the answer is not on the board click on X. If they reveal all the answers on the board, they receive all the points. The team playing the game has to guess all the correct answers on the board.

baby shower family feud powerpoint

Read the question carefully before clicking on the rectangle to make it disappear.

baby shower family feud powerpoint

TO START PLAYING: click on “SLIDE SHOW” and then click on “FROM BEGINNING”: GAME RULES: Divide the group into two teams, i.e. Free Family Feud Powerpoint Template This version has a manual scoreboard, if you are looking for a game with an automatic scoreboard and all the features of a TV Show game, check out our product: FRIENDLY FEUD - POWERPOINT GAMES FOR DOWNLOAD To use the scoreboard, you need to enable the MACROS and Editing on PowerPoint.

Baby shower family feud powerpoint