Videos taken directly from a movie, TV show, commercial, trailer, major production of any kind, or are re-uploads to YouTube from Vines, Vimeo, LiveLeak, NicoNico or other video hosting sites are disallowed.

If you are unsure of a video, please message the mods. Any video violating this rule will be removed and the submitter may be subject to a ban at the moderators' discretion. No videos deriding, insulting, or negatively depicting the mentally ill, mentally challenged, or the disabled.

If you are a content creator or would like to promote another subreddit or a tool for finding deep YouTube videos, you must first message the moderators for approval. No self-promotion of any kind without prior moderator approval. Links that violate this rule will be automatically removed by the modbot. Links to sites other than YouTube are prohibited. Instead, submit a direct video link and then link to the playlist or channel in the comments. Links to channels or playlists are prohibited. Only direct links to YouTube videos (including links to videos within a playlist) are allowed. Videos with more than 100,000 views at the time the link is submitted will be automatically removed by the modbot. No viral videos or videos with more than 100,000 views at the time the link is submitted. Videos newer than 5 months will be automatically removed by the modbot. Posts should come from the deep part of YouTube. Videos must be on YouTube for at least 5 months before being posted here. What This Subreddit Is, and What It's Not Welcome to Deep Into YouTube! A place to venture into the depths of YouTube and view some things you never thought you would.