
Test Anxiety Inventory Spielberger Pdf Download
Test Anxiety Inventory Spielberger Pdf Download

Test Anxiety Inventory Spielberger Pdf Download

Participants were asked to respond to the Chinese version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children under stressful (pre-academic examination) and relaxing (post-academic examination) situations.Result. Five hundred and nineteen primary school-age children were invited to participate in the study. A test-retest within subjects design was used. It is crucial for nurses to differentiate preoperative anxiety levels in children and to identify those children who are most likely to exhibit high levels of anxiety when undergoing surgery before any intervention can be appropriately planned, provided and evaluated.Methods. Surgery can cause considerable stress and anxiety that can have a profound effect on children. The aim of this study was to determine whether the trait anxiety scores and age of children could predict their state anxiety scores under stressful and relaxing situations.Background. The results are evident and it can be recommended as an instrument to measure anxiety level for similar studies.Īim. Consistently, strong correlations between State and Trait scale scores provided supportive evidence for the instrument. The results show that the reliability and validity of State Trait Anxiety Inventory was suitable and acceptable. Meanwhile, Trait proved KMO=.783, p=.000, and Cronbach alpha found. Where, the State shows KMO=.818, p=.000, and Cronbach alpha found. In addition, the construct validity of the STAI, as measured by factor analysis were found, the correlation between items (KMO) score. Results: The STAI was established with the reliability at. In order to determine the validity of the instrument used factor analysis and coefficient correlation were used. The reliability coefficients were computed using Cronbach alpha. The re-test was presented for reliability, construct validity, and coefficient correlation of State and Trait. A total 253 engineering students participated in this study. This paper proposes a re-test to evaluate STAI among engineering students in Malaysia. Various tests have been conducted using the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and it has provided adequate evidence to measure anxiety in research and clinical settings.

Test Anxiety Inventory Spielberger Pdf Download